Category: Not on Spotify

  • Vinyl, Man

    Vinyl, Man

    Insanity manifests culturally. In Descartes’ day, people believed they were made of glass. Those people were objectively nuts to anyone but themselves. Similarly, I really got into vinyl after I got Covid for the first time in Sept. ’24. The friendly fellow who owns the Ifinder Antique store in Mineral Point, WI had a mysterious,…

  • Not on Spotify – Boots Randolph “Sweet Talk”

    Not on Spotify – Boots Randolph “Sweet Talk”

    I took Boots Randolph for a spin. Boots is the “Yakety Sax” guy. I guess I never thought that “Yakety Sax” came from somewhere but rather assumed it was just there to be plucked from the aether and slapped into Benny Hill shows / the hackiest videos of the “America’s Funniest X” type. But there…

  • Not on Spotify — Nina Hagen, Fearless

    Not on Spotify — Nina Hagen, Fearless

    I spun this vinyl — which I bought in the ’80s, I guess, for reasons unknown and unknowable. It’s different. I appreciate it. I appreciate that an East German woman in the ’80s could perform of unholy marriage of Yoko Ono, Louis Armstrong, and the Tom Tom Club. It’s what freedom sounded like back in…