Category: Uncategorized

  • St. John Lutheran Church Centennial (1967)

    St. John Lutheran Church Centennial (1967)

    St. John Lutheran Church in Forest Park, IL was established in 1867 in what was then known as Harlem. In 1967 they held a Centennial service. The service was pressed into an LP. You can listen to it below (keep scrolling) and follow along in the bulletin. Here are the mp3 files of the LP.…

  • But is it art?

    But is it art?

    An artificial intelligence creating authentic art in 19th Century England. Image by Dall-E on Bing. (yeah, bing, OK?)

  • Best New Music of 2021

    Best New Music of 2021

    All of my ones of readers wonder what new music I dug in 2021. To which I say, self, do you not know that linear time has been suspended? And self retorts, sure for everything but lists. We must have yearly lists. One of the (few) fun online concert-things I endured in high-pandemic, pre-vaccine days…

  • “Where the World is Thin” by Kris Drever (2020)

    “Where the World is Thin” by Kris Drever (2020)

    Well, I don’t get around much any more. Not out of the house. Not out of the city. But my ears float on over to the north of Scotland, I mean waaaaaaay north, fairly often to listen to Kris Drever. He sings about those full-empty places where he is from (Orkney). Places where the landscape…

  • The Other Virus is Capital

    It’s May 8, 2020. Italy is opening up — to levels of lock-down that resemble the strictest rules in the US. Here in the US, we did not close all restaurants, factories, and construction sites. All over the world, countries are pausing, freezing, and/or putting the economy in an induced coma. In Denmark, this means…

  • Things You Can Have: Three Books of Poetry

    Things You Can Have: Three Books of Poetry

    Out of a desire for mental nesting or isolation-related nostalgia, I bought three books of poetry by my classmates at Iowa in the mid-90s. After all, I had read through the first inklings of their style. I had watched them work out the kinks in their lines. Then I lost touch. With them. With poetry.…